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Reduxi for System Integrators

Tap into a growing demand for advanced energy management solutions.

As a hardware installer or system integrator, expanding your service offerings is key to staying competitive in the fast-evolving energy market. By adding the Reduxi Energy Management System to your business portfolio as an OEM solution, you can tap into a growing demand for advanced energy management solutions.

This move not only opens up new revenue streams but also positions your business as a leader in the energy efficiency sector.

Market Opportunity for Installers and System Integrators

Reduxi EMS is a state-of-the-art system that addresses the needs of Businesses and Households alike.

The global energy management systems market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing focus on energy efficiency, sustainability, and cost reduction. Businesses and residential customers alike are seeking solutions to optimize their energy consumption and reduce costs. Reduxi EMS is a state-of-the-art system that addresses these needs through dynamic load management, peak shaving, and AI-driven automation of consumption, production and storage of electricity.

By offering Reduxi EMS installation and setup services, you can cater to a broad range of customers, from small businesses to large enterprises and residential buildings. This expands your customer base and positions your company as a one-stop shop for cutting-edge energy management solutions.

Key Benefits for Your Business

Adding Reduxi EMS to your service offerings opens up new revenue opportunities. Customers are increasingly investing in energy management systems, and by providing both the hardware and installation, you can capture additional income through sales, service contracts, and ongoing support.

With growing concerns over energy costs and environmental sustainability, the demand for energy management systems is on the rise. Offering Reduxi EMS installations allows you to meet this demand and attract customers looking for solutions that reduce their energy bills and carbon footprints.

Integrating Reduxi EMS into your portfolio sets you apart from competitors who may not yet offer advanced energy management solutions. As a certified Reduxi installer, you can position yourself as a forward-thinking company that provides the latest technology to meet your clients’ energy needs.

Reduxi EMS is compatible with over 250 devices, including solar plants, EV chargers, heat pumps, HVAC systems, and battery energy storage systems. Its scalability and broad usability ensures that you can cater to both small and large projects. This versatility makes it easier to address diverse customer requirements, from single-site installations to complex, multi-facility setups.

Reduxi EMS supports a wide range of communication protocols, including Modbus, DLMS, M-bus, OCPP, REST API, SunSpec, IEEE 2030.5, and MQTT. This broad compatibility ensures seamless integration with existing systems, minimizing the need for extensive retrofitting. As an installer, you’ll appreciate how Reduxi’s versatility streamlines the installation process, making it faster and more efficient. Additionally, our detailed knowledge base and team of professionals are always available to provide any support you may need.

By offering Reduxi EMS, you can foster long-term relationships with your clients. Energy management systems often require ongoing maintenance, updates, and support. By providing these services, you can create recurring revenue streams and enhance customer loyalty.

The energy market is rapidly evolving, with new regulations and standards being introduced regularly. Reduxi EMS is designed to be future-proof, supporting both current and upcoming technologies. By offering Reduxi EMS installations, you ensure that your business stays ahead of industry trends, positioning you as a leader in the field.

Reduxi kan oprette forbindelse til mere end 250 enheder på tværs af 50 mærker.

Lad os arbejde sammen!

At udvide dit servicetilbud til at omfatte installation og opsætning af Reduxi EMS er et strategisk træk, der kan gavne din virksomhed betydeligt. Med den stigende efterspørgsel efter energistyringssystemer kan du få adgang til et lukrativt marked, diversificere dine indtægtsstrømme og differentiere dig fra konkurrenterne.

Avanceret automatisering og AI

Automatiser energiforbruget baseret på elpriser og forbrugsmønstre i realtid, hvilket sikrer maksimal effektivitet uden at gå på kompromis med brugerkomforten.

Omkostningsbesparelser for kunderne

Reduxi EMS tilbyder betydelige omkostningsreduktioner gennem dynamisk belastningsstyring, peak shaving og shifting, hvilket gør det til en meget attraktiv mulighed for omkostningsbevidste kunder.

Reduxi produkter

Forbinder solcelleanlæg, energilagringssystemer, varmepumper og elektriske opladere.

Hent og send faktureringsdata hvert sekund direkte fra din elmåler.


Besparelser på elregningen

Årlige besparelser på grund af automatiseret optimering.


Understøttede mærker

Vi understøtter alle større mærker af varmepumper, elbilopladere, solcelleanlæg osv.


Understøttede enheder

Vi udvikler hele tiden nye måder at understøtte flere enheder på.

"Vores vigtigste styrker ligger i vores tilpasningsevne og skræddersyede tilgang, hvor vi identificerer problemer i samarbejde med kunderne, gennemfører forskning og udvikling af både hardware- og softwarekomponenter i løsninger og i sidste ende implementerer dem."

Tadej Beravs


Lad os tale om fremtiden!

Og det ser lyst ud, fordi du er ved at gøre det. Dit elforbrug og din elproduktion kan blive meget mere effektiv, end den er nu.

"Vi er pionerer inden for enkel og effektiv energistyring, hvor ét produkt problemfrit forbinder alle enheder, hvilket gør opsætningen ubesværet, reducerer omkostningerne og fremmer stabiliteten i det elektriske netværk."

Aleš Nastran

CEO, medstifter

Reduxi Team
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