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Reduxi for Business and Household Buildings

Unparalleled benefits through easy connectivity, cutting-edge technology and AI-powered automation.

Revolutionize Energy Management of Industrial and Residential Buildings

Stay informed with real-time insights into your electricity consumption, production, and storage.

In today’s rapidly evolving energy landscape, businesses and residential buildings must prioritize cost-efficiency, sustainability, and ease of use. Reduxi Energy Management System is the ultimate solution, offering unparalleled benefits through easy connectivity, cutting-edge technology and AI-powered automation.

Et åbent system betyder uendelige muligheder.

Reduxi er hjernen bag effektiv energiproduktion eller forbrug af elektricitet i din virksomhed eller dit hjem.

Reduxi Controller

Plug-and-Play-løsningen styrer elproduktion og -forbrug, justerer strømforbruget fra nettet og bruger avancerede algoritmer til at sikre omkostningseffektivt energiforbrug og maksimal selvforsyning.

Reduxi Gateway

Øger de tilgængelige indgange på Reduxi-controlleren eller konverterer enhedens signaler til trådløs forbindelse. Den kan måle en varmepumpes strømforbrug og styre den via SmartGrid Ready eller EVU-kontakt ved hjælp af sine to relæudgange.


Optag afregningsmålinger fra målere med specifikke udgange uden behov for ekstra strøm. P1 og P1 - WiFi-modellen forbinder trådløst målere som Iskraemeco AM550 til dit netværk via WiFi eller kabel.

Slash Costs with Dynamic Load Management

Reduxi EMS takes control of your energy usage with advanced Dynamic Load Management. By leveraging peak shaving and peak shifting, Reduxi significantly reduces your energy bills.

It smartly adjusts consumption based on real-time electricity prices by connecting to the ENTSO-E transparency platform, ensuring you pay less during peak hours. The result? A significant reduction in operating costs without compromising comfort or productivity.

Seamless Integration and Automation

Gone are the days of complex systems that require constant attention. Reduxi EMS integrates effortlessly with over 250 devices, including solar plants, EV chargers, heat pumps, HVAC systems, and . Its AI-driven strategies automate consumption, ensuring your systems operate at peak efficiency with minimal intervention.

Whether you’re managing a single building or multiple facilities, Reduxi web and mobile app make it simple and fast to monitor and control your energy usage.

No Compromise on Comfort

With Reduxi EMS, automation doesn’t mean inconvenience. The system is designed to enhance user comfort by optimizing energy consumption without disrupting daily activities.

The AI-powered strategies ensure that energy-saving measures are implemented intelligently, maintaining the ideal environment for both businesses and residential spaces.

Reduxi kan oprette forbindelse til mere end 250 enheder på tværs af 50 mærker.

Scalable and Future-Proof

Whether you need a solution for a small business or a large-scale enterprise, Reduxi has you covered.

The system’s scalability, enabled by multiple controllers or gateways, allows for seamless expansion. It supports a wide range of communication protocols, including Modbus RTU/TCP/IP, DLMS, M-bus, OCPP 1.6J, REST API, SunSpec, IEEE 2030.5, and MQTT, ensuring compatibility with both current and future technologies.

We understand that compatibility isn’t just about looking ahead—it’s also about maintaining usability with older protocols. That’s why we develop various converters to ensure that these protocols remain functional and future-proof.

Real-Time Insights and Easy Management

Stay informed with real-time insights into your electricity consumption, production, and storage. Reduxi EMS provides detailed analytics through an intuitive web or mobile app, giving you full control and visibility over your energy usage.

Managing multiple facilities has never been easier, thanks to Reduxi’s streamlined and user-friendly interface.

Versatile Communication Options

Reduxi EMS is designed to be adaptable, offering various communication methods such as LAN, WiFi, LTE, and RS485.

This versatility ensures that your energy management system remains connected, responsive, and reliable, regardless of your infrastructure setup.

Reduxi produkter

Forbinder solcelleanlæg, energilagringssystemer, varmepumper og elektriske opladere.

Hent og send faktureringsdata hvert sekund direkte fra din elmåler.

The Smart Choice for Energy Management

By choosing Reduxi EMS, you’re not just investing in an energy management system.

You’re investing in a future of cost savings, effortless automation, and unmatched comfort. With its comprehensive device support, dynamic energy strategies, and scalable architecture, Reduxi is the smart choice for any business or residential building looking to optimize energy consumption and reduce costs.

Join the future of energy management today with Reduxi EMS.


Besparelser på elregningen

Årlige besparelser på grund af automatiseret optimering.


Understøttede mærker

Vi understøtter alle større mærker af varmepumper, elbilopladere, solcelleanlæg osv.


Understøttede enheder

Vi udvikler hele tiden nye måder at understøtte flere enheder på.

By choosing Reduxi, you’re not just investing in an EMS. You’re investing in a future of cost savings, effortless automation, and unmatched comfort.

Aleš Nastran

CEO, medstifter

Lad os tale om fremtiden!

Og det ser lyst ud, fordi du er ved at gøre det. Dit elforbrug og din elproduktion kan blive meget mere effektiv, end den er nu.

"Vi er pionerer inden for enkel og effektiv energistyring, hvor ét produkt problemfrit forbinder alle enheder, hvilket gør opsætningen ubesværet, reducerer omkostningerne og fremmer stabiliteten i det elektriske netværk."

Aleš Nastran

CEO, medstifter

Reduxi Team
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